I feel the need to express my opinion. 1) because I can. 2) because it's my blog. 3) because I want to be able to remember my feelings/concerns/thoughts when I look back at this at a later time.
While this post is going to express some of my political opinions, please know that it is not going to be bashing on anyone. It is not going to be negative towards one candidate or the other. It is not going to be to persuade anyone to feel the same as I do. It is not going to be pushy. If you don't want to read it, then don't. I won't be offended.
A lot of people may think I don't have an opinion on the political stance of this country, mostly because I choose not to express those opinions. I chose not to watch the presidential debates. Some people might think that I was uneducated when going into this election because of that. Not the case.
The fact of the matter is - I HATE the negativity that comes during campaign/election time. There is so much mudslinging and hatred on both sides. People are so focused on finding out any sordid detail from a person's past, so focused on bringing the other person down and making them look bad. Shouldn't the focus be on what each person can do for the country, for the people, for the business owners and workers? Why is it necessary to bring another person down to make you look/feel good? (And I think this is true in any and every situation, with every single person, not just those running for election).
I hate that our nation is divided - Democrat and Republican. Liberal and Conservative. Democrats will only vote for democrats. Republicans will only vote for republicans. "If you're not with us, you're against us" is the only feeling I get. It doesn't matter if you agree with some the policies of the other candidate, if they aren't apart of your political party, you won't vote for them. I can only see more division as the years go on.
Furthermore, why does it matter what race, religion, gender, age, hair color, state, wealth, ethnic background, etc. that the candidate is? Those things shouldn't matter. What should matter is their political stance on issues that are most important to you. I can't help but feel like people did or did not vote for Mitt Romney, just because he is a Mormon. Or that people did or did not vote for Barack Obama because he is black (specifically in his first campaign).
I understand the point of the electoral college. I do. But I also think that popular vote should have some impact. Maybe popular vote should be allowed a certain number of electoral votes? I don't know. I know that a president can't be elected on popular vote alone. If that were the case, we could have some real problems. There is a significant number of people out there who choose not to educate themselves before they vote. They base their choice on political party, how handsome a candidate it is, how old, how rich, how educated, or what have you. But it does concern me that the popular vote gets almost no say (unless you are in a swing state), when the people who are voting are those most affected by the policies that congress puts through. Men, women, children, students, business owners, employees of all kind are the ones who are affected most by income tax, property tax, healthcare. The middle class has a lot to say, but rarely do their voices get heard.
Here is what I do know. I know that one man cannot destroy this country, just like one man cannot fix it. This is a group effort - the president, congress, and the PEOPLE. As citizens of the United States of America, we need to stand united. We need to come together to make things better. If we all took the time to help our neighbors, serve each other more, we would be better off. Stop looking out for just #1 and start looking at how we can help humanity as a whole.
I have hope. I have my faith. That is one thing that no one can ever take away from me.
And, if things do go down the shitter, I can move to Canada. Just kidding. :) GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Sorry this is so long. Amen.