*Piling 5 people into my little Ford Focus...shoving the 3 boys in the back
*Almost dying in Brigham City because some stupid car can't read the dang speed limit signs and slams on their brakes, forcing the 18 cars behind them to swerve to avoid hitting everyone else...and causing me to say a few expletives in the process
*Jamming out to Chicago's Greatest Hits
*Making sure to stock up on tissues because our seats were WAY up in the nose-bleeds
*Patiently waiting the hour for the game to start
*I love my Aggies
*Watching the game
*Loving Aggie fans and the signs they come up with-"BYU: Keeping ugly girls out of Utah State since 1888" CLASSIC
*Getting seriously frustrated with my Aggies
*Yelling loud for Jared every time he touched the ball...go Jared Quayle!
*Wishing that Stew Morrill would take out Jaxon Myer, especially after the technical
*Wishing that Stew Morrill would take out Jaxon Myer, especially after the technical
*Still wishing that Stew would take out Jaxon Myer
*Proving my point that Jaxon Myer should have been taken out when he let the ball roll right out of his hands, losing the chance for the tie-breaking shot
*Watching my dear Aggies lose the game...by 5 effing points
*Still hating BYU
*Driving to "the best pizza place ever"...so says David
*Being let down by "the best pizza place ever"-Firehouse is WAY better
*Hoping to not get attacked walking thru ghetto Salt Lake
*Searching for a semi-clean bathroom
*WTF kind of a gas station doesn't have a bathroom?!
*Needing a token to use the bathroom at Wendy's-we're not in Europe, people!
*Finally heading back up to Logan
*Straightening Travis's super curly hair...
*Travis looks like an 80's rocker...and I love it.
*Sarah and I should be professional hair stylists...seriously.
*Finally getting to bed...at 2:30 that morning.
*And then having to wake up for church at 8!
*Making it all the way thru church without falling asleep
Oh the adventures of college! How I love thee! And my Aggies...even if they couldn't pull off the game. Maybe next year Dave Rose will grow a pair and come back to Logan...
HAHA! You make me laugh! Sounds like a good time. I love Aggie fans... especially the all out crazy ones. Their signs are the best! Have fun at home!
Yay for Jared Quayle!! i loved the post missy:)
It's good to know that you are a loyal Aggie fan. There is nothing better than a good old Aggie game. Kyle and I went to that game we came so close but then had to throw it away several times. If we only had Carrol back we would have one the game.
That BYU "ugly girls" idea is fabulous.
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