School has started...once again. And besides having to get up ridiculously early every morning (ok, it's really not THAT early), and having to walk to school in the FRIGID winter, I am actually enjoying the semester. Weird, right? I sure am glad that I didn't change my major from Marketing...I actually like it now. My classes are fun, for the most part anyway. I do have a crap load of group projects, which I don't love. On the + side...I got a 91% on my first test. GO ME!
Random thoughts of mine...
*Mamma Mia...never gets old. I could seriously watch it everyday and not get sick of it. And my love for Colin Firth grows everytime I see it.
*Walking in this dang inversion is the WORST. By the time I get to school, I am practically wheezing. People probably think I am so out of shape...but I'm not.
*Welcome back to The Bachelor AND American Idol...I love reality TV!
*And for the most important of all...I have the CUTEST nephew and niece in the whole world. There is just no competition. Sorry if you thought that you did...but you're wrong.
Aren't they freaking adorable?!
Well...that is all. Unless someone can help me find a job in Logan. Seriously...I am getting desperate. And I don't like it.
I hope you enjoy this new semester and come back to us, not as an ice cube. Yes, your neice and nephew are pretty darn cute, but we all know it. Have fun, stay warm and play hard. Love ya.
I must see Mamma Mia... I've wanted to since it came out. I'm loving that American Idol is back on too. Which just reminded me of the finale 2 years ago, when we were having our roomie dinner at Cafe Sabor, and so Mark stayed at our apartment to watch it... hahaha memories!!!
You do have a cute nephew and niece. I remember the Logan winters. Oh-my-kill-me! I have never had the INSIDE of my nose freeze before when I breathed. I was chilled down to the bone, literally. It was so awful walking to campus, back home, back to campus, etc. that I ended up counting how many steps it took, so I could motivate myself to keep going and not just lie on the ground and freeze to death. I would be like, 'Only 400 more steps to go!!' Oh, just the worst. You are pretty much my hero for staying positive.
Chelsee... I also sleep with my window open, I sleep like a drugged up child. Although the morning isn't the best because everything in the room is basically frozen. I share your reality tv addiction. My shows: Rob & Big, The Real World, True Beauty, Momma's Boys, Survivor, Amazing Race, and I watched the Bachelor last night. Why? No idea...
Good luck with the job hunt, I'm in the same boat. It sucks doesn't it?...
I hate Jason...
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