Today's random thought is about hybrid animals...the mule, the liger, and the wholphin are some of my favorites. These animals are supposed to be completely sterile, but when I was a junior in high school, the only living wholphin...had a BABY WHOLPHIN! Weird.
One time, when I worked t 1800Contacts, I won a prize for this random thought...a king size Kit-Kat bar. Sweet.
Here are a few pictures..
The wholphin and the supposedly impossible wholphin baby...
Look forward to more random thoughts from my random brain...
I love your random brain and your random thoughts, you make me think.
Love ya
HAHA you're funny.
That is random.
I love the way your mind works. To funny!!!
I didn't know the Liger have blown my mind. I spent the last ten minutes coming up with animals I'd like to see 'crossed'
-a dat or cog: a dog that always lands on its feet...or a cat that lifts its leg to pee.
-a parragle: an eagle that talks.
-spiderman: a human that has spider like abilities. Oh wait...
Oh Chels... I miss you! I hope everything is going well and I look forward to more of your Random Wednesday.
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