Tuesday, January 3, 2012


holy moly...is anyone else glad that 2011 is over?  i mean, don't get me wrong, it had it's positive times...i walked in graduation, i made some super awesome new friends (shout out to koby and the boys), i learned some verrrrrrrrry important life lessons.  but other than that really, 2011 wasn't my favorite.  so.  i am bound and determined to make 2012 BETTER.  it has to happen.  it is my turn to have things go right for me.  this time, i'm not asking, i'm telling.  things WILL be better.  they have to be.
so.  here are a few of my 2012 goals.  "new years resolutions" always sounds so cliche to me, but in reality, my goals are things i should be doing anyway.  so i am just trying to better my life.

*first and foremost, FIND A GOOD JOB.  i don't know why it is so freaking difficult.  when i was in high school, my teachers always pushed going to college because it was so much easier to get a job with a degree.  the reality of it is that now every place wants EXPERIENCE.  how the eff am i supposed to get experience without having a job?  it is majorly bumming me out.  but i am trying to stay positive, and at this point, i am ready to take any job that does not involve serving/cooking/smelling like food.  so if any of you out in blog land know of any leads, pleeeeeeeeeease send them my direction. 
*read my scriptures every day.  when i was working, this was so easy because i would read on my lunch break or when i didn't have anything to do.  i felt so much more at peace when i was reading every day.  but since being unemployed, i have been lazy.  i haven't been finding the time to read them.  i get sucked into looking for jobs on my computer or watching tv, and at night i am to tired or lazy to pull them out.  so i am making it a priority in my life again, as it should have been the whole time.
*get healthy, which is actually something i have been working on a lot during the last couple of months.  december, of course, has been the hardest month, because there is sooooooooo much going on and sooooooo many deliciously fattening foods to eat.  luckily for me, sweets aren't nearly as appealing to me as they used to be, so it has been a little easier.  i am still planning on running in a relay race with my friends in may, and that is a HUGE stress.  i still HATE. RUNNING. MORE. THAN. ANYTHING.  but it is something i want to do.  so hopefully i can find the dedication to make it work.
*try to not swear anymore.  there are 3 words that are my absolute favorite--words that i don't really consider swear words.  hahahaha.  but other people do, and i don't want to offend anyone, so i am working on not saying them anymore.  
*get out of debt as much as i can.  i really don't have a lot of debt at all, just my student loans and my car (which is close to being paid off), but i would really love to get walter paid off 100% and pay extra on my student loans every month, so it doesn't take me 8392043021 years to pay them off.

for the most part, i am happy with who i am.  i finished college which is a bigggggggg deal.  i have good friends, both the ones i have known for a long time and the new, great friends i have made lately.  i have an awesome family that i like to spend time with.  and, even though it is the WORST when someone says "you have a great personality, you'll find someone soon", i do have a pretty great personality.  i am funnnnnnnnny. -not to toot my own horn or anything :) - but i do like the person i am.  so.  here's to a rockin' 2012.


SydneG said...

Agreed that 2011 wasn't all that great! I am so happy that it is over. Here's to a fab 2012!

Caroline said...

Adios 2011! I went so far as to shred my 2011 calendar! What an awful year, but here's to a slam jam 2012. :)