Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Does anybody else want to break out into song when they read the title of this post?  No?  Just me?  Well anyway.  I'm pretty lucky and have made some awesome friends over my life.  For real.  If you are friends with any of my friends, then you are lucky too!  So I'm just going to do a little shout-out to those people who have been there for me and who make my life better.

*My Sisters:
I didn't always get along with them, now I loooooove spending time with them.  We all have the same warped sense of humor, so we laugh at the same stupid jokes.
*Manda Jo:
Amanda and I are cousins.  And we didn't really become REAL friends until I was like 16 or 17.  Now there is no one who knows me better than she does.  She is the person I call when I am having a bad day and the person who knows what to say to make me feel better.  She is the one who I stay up until 3 in the morning with doing stupid things like making music videos to *NSYNC and Eminem...don't judge us.

*My High School Girlies - Britt, Rosey, Nat, Kylee, Shanna, Rachel, Jamie:
The only people in the history of the world who can get me to start running...a feat not to be attempted by any other person.  These girls are in some of my happiest memories.  And even though every single one of them are married and 3 of them have babies, when the girls get together, it is just like it always has been.
(Only missing Nat and Rach...where were youuuuu???)
*Melissa and Kendall:
2 of my best friends from college.  Kendall and I were roommates, and Melissa lived upstairs.  I think I am still trying to catch up on sleep from Freshman year.  Our personalities just go super well together, we just kinda mesh.  We've been through college, single life, marriage, divorce, moving, deployments, and babies and still get along swimmingly.  I still see them at least once a month (until now since Kendall has moved to Reno).

*The crazy soccer playing girls:
I loooooooved living with my soccer-playing roommates.  They were so much enough that I decided to subject myself to living with them a second year.  I have more inside jokes with these girls than with almost any of my other friends.
I met Jared about a week before my very first year of college.  We were in the same "Connections" class...the best college class I ever had.  There was a group of us that were the cool kids in school.  Jared and I instantly became friends.  Since there were 3 girls of the same name in that class, I was dubbed "Loud Chelsee", since I was the most outgoing.  After Connections ended, we went on all sorts of crazy adventures.  Freshman year rocked.  When he left on his mission, I wrote him every week and was the best friend a missionary could have.  Now he is all married and stuff, but every once in awhile, we still get to have our little heart to hearts.  I love Jared dearly and I am so glad that he found someone who appreciates how awesome he is.

*The Lovely Sarah:
Who knew you could become such good friends with a person who randomly sat by you in class one day?  Our friendship developed over us both liking the same guy (at different times, and for about a day each).  Then we spent one glorious summer together filled with burning things given to us by stupid boys, the Bachelor, camp fires, Chili's chips and queso, and the zoo before she went and got herself hitched.  I don't get to see her that much, but I still think of her as one of my best friends.

*Koby Leian:
My newest bestie.  This girl rocks.  There are times my stomach hurts from laughing so much.  She helps me break out of my shell and do things that I normally wouldn't do.  She is such a sweet person and would do anything for anyone (unless you talk about her family), and she helps me want to be a better person too.  Plus she has the coolest southern accent that makes it so much to listen to her.

*My favorite Facebook friend: Kasie
Not many people understand my love for FRIENDS like Kasie does.  We can quote the show like it's nobody's business.  My favorite is when I got onto the FB and have a notification from her because I know it is going to be a line from one of my favorite episodes.  She rocks.

*My blogging buddies - Kateka, Katie, Emily, Carly, Annika, Chelsea, Heather, Sarah, Caroline (wassup DC!), Erin, Lindsey, Amy, Mega, Natalie and all of you others who read my pitiful blog (some of you already got a shout don't get another):
I probably wouldn't write this thing if it wasn't for the validation all of you give me.  Haha I love all of your crazy comments and appreciate your bloghood.  And I loooooooove reading your blogs.  Blog stalking was the whole reason I got a blog in the first place!

If you are not mentioned, don't get mad...just hang out with me more!  :)

Peace and love.  The end.


Katie said...

I feel so honored to have a shout out. And I thought this post was going to be all about the TV show! hahahaha

Kylee & Russell Ahlberg said...

Very cute idea. I loved reading your post. We do have great friends don't we? We always have so much fun together. Love you Chels!

Kateka said...

Girlfriend! Holy cow. **wiping tears** thanks for the tribute, yo! You're adorable. Seriously. Thank you! Love your blog so dang much. Hey! Do you jog ever? If so, we should be jogging buddies when it warms up. What do you think?

Carly said...

Im famous!

SydneG said...

BOOYAH to the soccer girls!!