Friday, February 25, 2011


*FOREWARNING: This is another bit of a rant post. If you are tired of them...well, it doesn't really matter because it is my blog.*

Back in September I turned 23. There is a post about it somewhere down there in blog land. 23 isn't really that significant of a birthday...except to an insurance agency. Well, maybe not every insurance agency, but the one that supplies my mom's medical insurance policy. Apparently, turning 23 means getting kicked off the policy with no notice besides the fine print when you first buy insurance from them (in this case...a really long time ago). Obama passed a law that allows a person to stay on their parents' insurance until they are 26. Unfortunately...that law didn't go into effect until October 1. The insurance kicked me off September 30. And according to the company, there is absolutely no way for me to get back on until the next open enrollment (even though it costs the EXACT SAME AMOUNT for all parties involved whether I am on the policy or not) September 2011. So. Here I am. Walking around uninsured and hoping I don't contract a life threatening illness until September. Not having insurance also means that my prescriptions are not covered. I have been off the BC for a month and a half...hence the HORMONE CASSEROLE. I'm not loving it. At all.

Maybe my little debacle from the previous paragraph is effecting every other part of my life, because every time I don't get a job that I apply for, I get more and more upset. Since I have moved home, I have had 5 interviews. And it seems to be the reason for my not getting the position is my qualification level. I sometimes apply for jobs that I am not even remotely qualified for, knowing that it is a long shot, but hoping for a miracle. There aren't many positions that are at my level of qualified-ness, so I mostly apply for entry level jobs. Back when I was preparing for graduation, I accepted that this would be the case. However, I never thought that my being over-qualified would prevent me from getting a job. But that is what keeps happening. All of these places are afraid that I would find a better job and leave since these are such entry-level positions. I try to explain to them that all I'm looking for is stability and the opportunity to prove that I can stay at a job longer than 4 months of a summer. But it doesn't help.

I try not to get upset about it, but the longer I am unemployed, the more irritable I get. I rarely get out of the house because I don't have the need or the money to do things. There are times when I just go walk around Wal-Mart because I think I'll go crazy if I stay indoors much longer. I know things will work out somehow and sometime, but it gets so hard the longer it goes. I hate the restlessness and stir-craziness that comes from being unemployed. Until I find a job, I would love to be able to go out and volunteer or do service, but that takes gas, which I can't afford either.

Anyone have any ideas for a hobby that doesn't cost any money? :) Also...I'm looking for some ideas of books to read. That seems to be my past-time of choice lately. Suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.