Monday, March 26, 2012


Lately I have been getting the feeling that I am never again going to feel fully rested.  I just feel tired all the time.  I get a decent amount of sleep every night, usually between 7-8 hours, but I still wake up feeling tired.  I usually wake up at least once during the night.  On the weekends, I can't sleep in anymore, no matter how late I go to sleep or how tired I am.

I thought after I started working out consistently that it would help, but it really hasn't.  I don't drink that much caffeine - maybe one can in the morning and that is it, if I even finish it.  By the time I go to bed, it should be wayyyyyyy out of my system.

Sometimes I think there may be something wrong with me - iron deficiency, possibly?  Other times I wonder if I just have too much on my mind to ever feel at rest.  I am notorious for over thinking things and stressing myself's a family trait.  There is always something on my mind.  ALWAYS.  I even think about things that don't concern me.  I am trying to work on it, but it's genetic.

One problem with over thinking things is that I create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place.  I become paranoid that any time a friend, especially someone I'm close to and see/talk to a lot, is having a hard time it's because I have done something or that they are mad at me for some reason.  I guess that makes me super self centered...guess I should work on that.  I think that one reason I am so sensitive to that is because I would hate it if I had done anything - unintentional or not - to hurt one of my friends.  I try really hard to be that friend that I want them to be for me, so if I failed at that, it would really upset me.

I don't know how this went from a post about being tired to a post about over thinking things.  But that's just the way my mind works sometimes.  Oh well.

That's all.