Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Best news of my LIFE!
These last couple of months have been so so so hard on me. I couldn't understand why no one could help me...not the government, the school, or any loan place. Finally, on Thursday, I talked to someone in the Financial Aid office who actually knew what they were talking about. I was still a little upset because, had I talked to her one of the other thousand times I had called, I could have been in school this past semester. But it is over and done with, and this lady is a miracle worker! I didn't get financial aid, but I did get a loan. And as much as I hate to go into more debt to go to school, I will do whatever I need to do to get back.
I really am so grateful that things have worked out the way that I wanted them to. After so many prayers, and begging and pleading, I finally feel HAPPY. I am so excited to be back in Logan.
Look out USU...Chelsee is BACK!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Home-made Dresses and Christmas Sweaters
This year, we had a little family Christmas party. There were only about 33 people in our little tiny house. No big deal, right? Makes things cozy. There was good food, good treats, and great company. We had a little white elephant gift exchange, complete with a Dollar Store pregnancy test and another feminine hygiene product. Ha ha. My family is best. We are loud and sometimes obnoxious, but always fabulous!
Here are a few highlights...
Also, one of my best friends from Utah State got married yesterday. I am so happy for Sarah and Danny. They are so fabulous and perfect for each other. And now I am pretty sure that I am close to the last single girl on the planet. Ok...maybe that was a little dramatic. But I am dwindling in single friends.
Merry Christmas to all of my dear friends and family! I hope yours is fabulous and I hope Santa brings you EVERYTHING you want!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I know this rivalry is nothing compared to the BYU-UTAH football game, but this is a big deal to Utah State fans. And speaking of USU fans...we are loud and fabulous!
I am so sad that I will not be attending the game was a very hard decision for me to make. My little sister also has a game tonight. And I don't really enjoy driving through the canyon in the dark by myself ( not really enjoying it is an understatement. I hate it). But you can better believe that I will be cheering on my Ags tonight!
I even wore my favorite shirt today, in honor of this game...
"YBU? Win or lose you STILL live in PROVO! 'NUFF SAID!!!!"
*Clean silk flowers--your feather duster doesn't seem to make a dent in the dust accumulating on your favorite floral arrangement. Try using your hair dryer on the lowest setting to blow the dust off your silk or dried flowers.
*Soothe the itching under a cast--got a cast? Can't scratch? Don't despair-just shake some baby powder inside the opening of your cast and blow it in with a hair dryer. Just be sure to use the cool setting. (I sure wish I had known this when I broke my arm in the 4th grade and I was in a cast for 2 months)
*Remove ink stains from clothing--your favorite ink pen leaked all over your favorite skirt. You may have to buy a new pen, but the skirt can be saved with an old remedy for ink spots. Just spray hair spray in the stained area, blot until the stain comes up, and wash as usual.
*Keep that zipper up--got a zipper that's always sneaking down? Spray it. That's right. Cover the rest of the garment so it doesn't get ruined and spray hair spray onto your zipper. Let it dry and no more worries. For this to work, make sure your hair spray contains lacquer.
*Remove static cling from clothing or hair--static can make your hair stand on end and make your skirt embarrassingly clingy. One simple solution is to run a wire coat hanger over your hair or skirt, or between your skirt and slip. The static electricity will transfer from you to the wire, and you should be static free.
*Handy frozen veggies--if you've got extra onions, celery, peppers, or other seasoning vegetables, go ahead and chop them up. Place a couple of tablespoons into each compartment of an ice cube tray. Fill with water and freeze. Put the frozen cubes into labeled freezer bags. Next time your favorite hot recipes call for veggies, you're ready to go.
*Remove fat from soup--you're on a diet, and you're trying hard to eat low-fat. Try sliding a few ice cubes into your soups and stews to remove excess fat. The fat will congeal around the cubes as they melt, and you can fish it all out with a spoon. Reheat, and you have an ultra-low-fat dish to enjoy.
*Fresh tasting rice the second time around--reheat leftover rice in the microwave with an ice cube on top. The added moisture will really perk up the taste.
*Let slipping rugs lie--does your area rug slide around on your hardwood floor? Put the brakes on it by stitching a few patches of old inner tubing to the underside.
*Hot tip for repairing furniture--if you've got a dent in your wood furniture, don't despair. As long as no wood fibers have been broken-you'll have to look at the damage carefully to determine this-you can literally iron the dent out. Grab a damp cloth and place it over the dent. Set your iron on medium, and hold it on the cloth. When the cloth has dried, re-dampen it, and apply the iron again. Repeat this until the dent is lifted.
(Just a side note--I definitely do not come up with this wording on my own. It is straight out of the book. And speaking of, it is time I gave credit where credit is due. This glorious book is called "Uncommon Uses for Common Household Products" and was written by the editors of FC&A. This particular copy was printed in 2002 by Frank W. Cawood and Associates, Inc. I also, for a brief second, thought about formatting this citation like I would on a works cited page, but quickly changed my mind...correct citation is not a strong point of mine.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'm running out of clever titles for these...
*Remove baked-on foods--if you're left with a baked-on mess to clean up, don't despair. Put a fabric softener sheet in the offensive pan, fill it with water, and let it sit overnight. The next morning, cleanup should be a breeze.
*Shocking solution to static electricity--if winter time means you're constantly generating static electricity in you carpet, try this easy solution. Mix one part fabric softener with five parts water into a spray bottle. Spritz your carpet and no more shocks. Your carpet should stay cleaners as well.
(Dryer sheets also repel mosquitoes. My grandpa would swear by it. At our annual family reunions, he always brought a box with him and handed them out to everyone. He was a champ)
*Never be locked out again--put a house key in a film canister and bury it in your garden. It's safe there than under the welcome mat.
*Track your fertilizer--when fertilizing your lawn, if you mix a little flour in with the dry fertilizer, you'll be able to see exactly where you've spread it and identify any areas you missed. Use this tip when you're planting seeds, too, and you'll never overseed one particular area.
*Test your toilet--you suspect a leak somewhere in your toilet,but you can't find it. To check if the leak is coming from the inside valves, dribble a few drops of food coloring into the tank. Now don't flush, just wait it out. If the coloring comes into the bowl without your flushing, you've found your leak.
*Help shower doors stay cleaner--spraying your glass shower doors with furniture polish or lemon oil will help keep them clean longer.
*Make buckets easier on your hands--if you've ever had to carry a heavy bucket with a wire handle, you know it can really dig into your fingers. Next time, make it a little more comfortable with a piece of old garden hose. Just cut a short piece, slit it, and slip it over the handle of the bucket. You'll have a little cushion and a lot more comfortable grip.
*Repair a cracked vase--if you've got a hairline crack in your favorite vase, take a clove of garlic and rub it along the inside. Let it dry. The crack should be sealed.
*Wage war on weevils--place a few cloves o garlic in with your dried beans and grains, and you'll never seen another weevil again.
*Resize a vase--you've chosen the vase that has the look you want, but it's too large for your bouquet. No need to look for another container. Just put a slender olive jar inside the vase. It won't be noticed, even in a clear vase. And the flowers inside will stand up instead of flopping over the sides.
*Give pet hair the brushoff--pet hair on the furniture can be a mess and an embarrassment. An easy way to get rid of it is to put on a rubber glove and rub your hand over the upholstery. You'll find the pet hair rolled up into an easily removable ball.
(WATCH OUT! Don't wear rubber gloves when you polish your silverware or use rubber bands to hold pieces of it together because rubber will darken silver.)
*Tighten a screw hole--holes sometimes get too large to hold in a screw. Here's the solution. Soak a cotton ball in ordinary white glue, stuff it into the hole, and let it dry for 24 hours. Then try your screw.
*Wash away oily fabric stains--glycerin is a grease cutter that can usually be found with laundry products at the supermarket. It works well to remove oily stains on most washable fabrics except acetate, triacetate, and rayon. Make a solution of one tablespoon each of glycerin and liquid dishwashing detergent ad eight tablespoons of water. Shake these together in a squeeze bottle, then apply directly to the stain. Let it work for several minutes before rinsing.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
2 for the price of 1!
*Easy way to layer a cake--want to make a fancy, multi-layer torte? Allow your cake to cool and remove it from the pan. Take a length of dental floss and gently saw your cake into the number of layers you need. You can use this technique to slice cakes and cheesecakes into perfect, no-mess slices, as well.
*Stitch a strong hold--heavy buttons won't come off coats as easily if you sew them on with dental floss. If you need a color to match the fabric, a colored marker should do the trick. The strength of dental floss is also a plus for repairing things made from heavy-duty fabrics, like tents, duffel bags, and convertible tops.
*Bubble away toilet stains--if you've got stubborn stains in your toilet bowl, try dropping in a few denture cleaning tablets. Let it soak for awhile, scrub the bowl clean, and flush those stains away.
(If you think detergent and soap are the same thing, think again. While they may perform similar tasks, they are chemicall different. Soap is made from fats or oils and alkali, but detergents contain surfactants and builders. Surfactants dissolve dirt, and builders softenwater so the surfactants can do their job better. That's why detergents work better in hard water than soaps do.)
*Protect electric cords--rub down your electrical and extension cords with liquid laundry detergent to keep curious pets from munching on the cords and shocking themselves.
*There really isn't anything that fantastic about dishwashers in here. It basically just says you can wash your car wheel covers, kitchen sponges, dish drainer, greasy filters, and dustpan and brush.
*Store Christmas decorations safely--when it's time to take the tree down, don't just toss your Christmas lights into any old box. Place the bulbs inside an old egg carton, and wind the cords around the outside. Next year, no breaks, no tangles.
*Clean stains off glassware--do you have stains on your glassware or even your china? Try soaking them in a solution of vinegar and eggshells. They should come out squeaky clean.
*Rough up slippery soles--if a new pair of hard-soled shoes has you slipping and sliding, give them a few scrapes along the bottom with an emery board or nail file.
*Give glass a glistening glimmer (great alliteration) --use a blackboard eraser to make all kinds of glass surfaces shine. You can clear a fogged-up mirror or wipe a car windshield clean as a whistle.
If anyone has tried any of these handy hints, let me know how they work out!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Next comes C
*Help drawers slide smoothly--if you have a desk or chest with drawers that stick, remove them and rub the runners with a candle. Slip the drawers back in place, and they should move smoothly in their tracks.
*Save that artwork for posterity--if you have children, yo know that each drawing they bring home is precious. But pretty soon you can be up to your neck in finger paintings. For easy, safe storage, save all your empty paper towel and wrapping paper tubes and roll the artwork up inside. Stick a label on the outside with the child's name and date. These tubes are much easier to toss into storage, and you don't have to worry about ruining those little treasures.
*Be prepared for winter emergencies--stock your trunk with a few pieces of old carpet in case you get stuck in the ice or snow. They'll slip under your tires to provide extra traction.
*Keep your garbage can fresh--nothing smells as bad as garbage, right? Think again. A cat's litter box might be worse, and if not, it runs a close second. If commercial products can keep litter boxes from smelling bad, they should be able to keep your garbage positively fragrant. Just sprinkle some in the bottom of the can, and change it occasionally.
*Prevent silver from tarnishing--you love using you grandmother's good silver when company comes but hate having to polish it after every use. Try putting a piece of chalk in the drawer with the silver. The chalk will absorb moisture and slow down the tarnish. Put some in your jewelry box, and your jewelry won't tarnish as quickly, either.
*Stamp out stumps--save money when you have a large tree cut down. Instead of paying extra to have the stump ground out, you can get rid of it gradually yourself. Each time you cook on the charcoal grill, when you finish the steaks and burgers, put the remaining live coals in the center of the stump surface. Each time it will burn a little deeper until finally the stump will disappear.
*Feed your plants from afar--going away for a few days? Keep your houseplants watered with this handy trick. Line the bottom of your tub with several thick layers of old towels, then soak them well with water. Put your houseplants in on top of them, and they'll have water when they need it.
*Use all your toothpaste--it's frustrating to throw away a tube of toothpaste when you know there's more inside. A clothespin can help hold the back of the tube flat as you use up what's left in the front of the tube.
(I don't drink coffee, but I think that some of these are good ideas)
*Restore faded cottons--if black, cotton garments are looking brownish and dull, add two cups of strong Maxwell House coffee to the rinse water when doing laundry. They'll turn dark again.
*Highlight dark hair--add some highlights to brown or red hair with black coffee. After shampooing, just douse your head with cold, black coffee, then rinse with water.
*Keep toilet paper dry--when you're camping out there "in the rough," one luxury you don't want to be without is dry toilet paper. And empty coffee can makes a perfect waterproof travel container for this precious commodity.
*Keep the flavor, lose the fat--if you've got delicious beef or poultry broth to use for soups or gravies, don't worry about the fat. Simply strain it through a paper coffee filter, and you're left with flavorful, fat-free broth.
*Buy extra time for your posies--keep cut flowers fresh longer by adding a copper penny and a cube of sugar to the vase of water.
*Pet food supplement--if you add a little Crisco to your pet's food every day, it will help his coat become shiny and lustrous. If you have a cat, it will also help prevent hair balls.
*Keep the crows away--fight crow's feet with olive oil. Just dab a couple of drops around your eyes each night before bed.
*Keep your keys afloat--whenever you go boating or swimming, attach your keys to a cork. Then if they fall overboard, they'll float and you can easily retrieve them.
*Handy dry shampoo--when you go camping, does it drive you crazy not to wash your hair for several days? Take along a box of cornstarch, and you can at lest give yourself a dry shampoo. Just work it into your hair and brush out.
(It works. I don't like to wash my hair every day, but if I don't, I can't wear it down two days in a row. The cornstarch helps. In fact...I used it this morning.)
*Make scuff marks disappear--you are all dressed to go out when you notice a dark mark on your white shoe. With a dab of correction fluid (also known as white-out), you can perform a neat emergency touch-up.
*Cover bleach spots--you can recolor spots on fabric that got splashed with bleach. Choose a crayon that matches the color. Heat the area to be repaired by ironing it. Color in the spot white it's warm. Then cover with waxed paper, and iron again to set the color.
*Repel mosquitoes--for a natural mosquito repellent, try this trick. Peel and puree a cucumber. Strain the liquid into an ice cube tray and freeze it. Before you go outside, rub your face and hands with the ice cube. Mosquitoes will stay away.
I'll try not to make another week before I post the D's...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
B is for...
*Silence squeaky floors--if a certain spot on your hardwood floor sings to you every time you step on it, dust the area with a little talcum powder. Sweep back and forth until the powder has settled down into the cracks. (Makes sneaking out a lot easier!)
*Polish scratches off glasses--if your eyeglasses have tiny scratches on them, don't toss them out. Make a paste of talcum powder and water. Rub this gently onto the lenses and wipe it off. You'll be seeing things in a whol new light!
*Remove mildew from books--to remove mildew from books, wipe the covers with baby wipes and apply powdered sulfer to the pages.
*Bake potatoes--potatoes will bake more quickly and evenly if you stand them on end in muffin pans. Stuffed green peppers, apples, and tomatoes also bake better in muffin pans.
*Drain cleaner--here's the recipe for an all-natural drain opener. Mix together one cup baking soda, one cup salt, and a half cup of white vinegar. Pour this down the clogged drain, wait 15 to 20 minutes, then pour a big pot of boiling water down the drain. A word of caution- don't use this method if you've already tried a commercial drain opener that is still standing in the drain.
*Ease acid indegestion--baking soda helps neutralize stomach acid, which can cause indegestion and heart burn. For quick relief, drink a half a glass of water mixed with a half teaspoon of baking soda.
*Practice clean and safe hunting--nothing is more dangerous than a dirty gun. To keep debris and foreign matter from getting into your gun barrel, slip a balloon over the end.
*Shine your shoes--banana peels can make your shoes shiny. Just rub your leather shoes with the inside of the peeling, then buff with a soft cloth.
PS...contrary to popular belief, you should store bananas in the refrigerator. Although the peels will turn dark, the fruit will stay fresh and firm longer.
*Clean up spilled egg--if you drop an eff on your floor or counter, us a basting syringe to quickly such up most of the slimy egg, and just wipe the rest away.
*Scare deer away from your gardens--want to keep deer out of your garden without hurting them? Run a string around the perimeter, about three or four feet off the ground. Cut strips from a white sheet and tie them along the string every few feet. A flash of a white tail is a warning signal to deer. The white strips, hung about tail height, should frighten them away from your peas and corn.
*Make a temporary hinge--you can fix a broken hinge temporarily by nailing a short piece of a leather belt to the door and door frame.
*Use as a colander--berry baskets make great colanders for draining small amounts of pasta or washing fruits and vegetables.
*Save your garbage from marauders--are dogs constantly exploring your garbage and strewing it from one end of the neighborhood to the other? Sprinkle a bit or chlorine bleach inside the bag before you close it, and your canine friends will turn thier discriminating noses upat the smell.
*Protect your fingers from an angry hammer--don't try to hold a small nail with your fingers because your fingers are what you'll end up hammering. Instead, grip the nail between the prongs of a bobby pin.
*Wipe away lipstick stains--ue a slice of white bread to remove lipstick stains from fabric.
*Keep your pasta in the pot--to prevent boiling pasta from boiling over, drop a lump of butter in the water before heating. The extra oil will help keep your pasta from sticking together, too.
Stay tuned for our next adventure...the C's!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Best Book EVER.
When my Grandpa passed away, we had to go through everything in the house. I found this book called "Uncommon Uses for Common Household Products"...basically the name says it all. My mom told my I was stupid for taking it home...psssh, what does she know. It is the best book I have ever read! There are literally HUNDREDS of things to do with all of these products that you already have at your blows my mind! There are 128 items, plus a completely seperate section called "Uncommonly Good Ideas to Make Your Life Easier", not to mention fun little tid-bits of totally random facts about everything.
This book blows my mind (yes, I am aware how totally nerdy I sound right now). So, instead of doing the A-Z blogging, I have decided to share some of these awesome facts that I didn't know could be done with cooking oil, garlic, ice cubes, peanut butter, spices, yogurt, and 122 other things! I'll probably do a letter each time I blog, and one or two things from every item within that letter. Unless there is nothing cool for that product.
Hopefully, something I post could maybe help you one day! I'm going to be such a good little wifey one day...
Let's start with the A's...
*Sharpen dull scissors--layer several thicknesses of aluminum foil and cut through them a few times times with your dulls scissors. They'll come out nice and sharp.
*Twice the heat for half the effort--iron your clothes from both sides and cutyour ironing time in half. Simply slip a piece of aluminum foil between your ironing board and your cover. The foil will absorb the heat from your iron and reflect it up into your clothes.
*Remove stains from washable fabrics--ammonia will help remove nonoily stains- like those from blood, milk, perspiration and urine-from most washable fabrics. Make a mixture of equal parts ammonia, dishwashing liquid, and water. Shake it together in a plastic squeeze bottle. Apply it directly to the stain, let it stand for a few minutes, then rinse. This should not be used on acetate, acrylic, silk, spandex, or wool. For fragile fabrics, do not apply ammonia directly. Instead, hold the stain over the mouth of an open bottle of ammonia, and let the fumes permeate it. Then gently wash.
*Clean aluminum cookware--dull pots and pans will become bright again when you cook apples, rhubarb, or lemons in them.
*Cut the glare--if you don't mind looking like a football player, you can reduce the glare while driving or working in your yard. Moisten your finger with oil, dip it in ash from your fireplace, and draw dark half-circles under your eyes. (Please, please someone do this. Please)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A-Z Blogging...A is for ADRENALINE
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Out of Retirement!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Farewell to my Grandpa
David Junior Hirschi, 84, passed away October 5, 2009 at his home in Salem Idaho of natural causes. David was born in Salem, Idaho, May 28, 1925 to David Hirschi Jr. and Hedwig Aldehoff Hirschi, the last of four children and the only boy in a family of girls. He was a big baby weighing 13 lbs. and twenty-two inches long. Although he was a big baby he was always the smallest boy in his class. He attended school in Kilgore, Spencer and attended his last year of high school in Blackfoot, where he stayed with his Uncle Abe James. It was during his last year in high school that Pearl Harbor was bombed.
He met his sweetheart of 60 years on a blind date. It was love at first sight. He married Virgene Berrett on June 26, 1946 in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple after a two year courtship.
David was drafted into the army in May of 1945, he took his training at Camp Roberts California and was in the Ninth Service Command which was a guard & escort company and he spent his time guarding army prisoners.
He was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served as a Branch President, Counselor in the Elder’s Quorum, Young Men President, High Priest Group Leader, 1st Counselor in the Bishopric and many other callings. He and Virgene officiated in the Idaho Falls LDS temple for seven years plus two more years after his wife was released for health reasons.
David and Virgene served a mission to the Dallas Fort Worth mission where they made many wonderful friends.
He worked for Ricks College for 24 years as a custodian. He worked at the Livestock Auction on Tuesdays for many years and was known for his ability to get hard tasks done in a most efficient way. He was a great horseman and in April of 2005 was inducted into the Eastern Idaho Horseman’s Hall of Fame.
He was an avid outdoorsman, hunter and fisherman. He farmed and ranched in the Kilgore and Salem areas and he could repair most anything. He loved his family.
He is survived by his seven children; Marné (Clark) Tucker of Roosevelt, UT, JoLynn (Brian) Davis of Salem, ID, RaeAnn (Roger) Hall of Idaho Falls, ID, Michele, (Bryon) Smith of Logan, UT, Michael (Barbara) Hirschi, Bill (Denese) Hirschi of Salem and Cindy (Jeff) Nelson of Riverton, UT, as well as 27 grandchildren & 50 great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, three sisters, a grandson, and one great grandson.
Funeral services will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, October 10, at the Salem LDS Chapel. The family will receive friends Friday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Flamm Funeral Home in Rexburg, and again at the church from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment will be in the Kilgore Cemetery.

This is the grandma and grandpa I remember. And I feel a little twinge in my heart every time I see it. When I think of how they will look when I see them again, this is it.
I love my grandparents so much. And while I am so so sad that my grandpa is gone, it is a bittersweet feeling. I know how happy he is with my grandma. And I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have because I KNOW that I will see them again. And I cannot wait for that glorious day. I also want to tell all of my family members how much I love them, and I hope it won't take another funeral for us to get together again.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Do What You Don't Want To Do
One of the girls has had a super hard couple of years, and an especially hard 2009. She gave me some advice on how she is living her life now, and that I am hoping to incorporate into my life now. DO WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO. Simple as that. Just do those things that you don't want to do.
There are a lot of things in my life that I don't want to do. And a lot a lot of things that I want to do, but am too embarrassed or shy or something to actually do them. So, I have vowed that I am going to start doing those things that I dont want to do. Here are a few of those things...
1) Go to a singles ward. I really really HATE singles wards. Especially the ones by where I live. Basically the people from high school that I want to talk to and want to see, I do. Plus, I don't like having a calling, so I have a habit of jumping from ward to ward every Sunday. Starting next Sunday (since this Sunday is Conference), I am going to go to a ward and stick to it.
2) Work out. I hate working out. I can never find the motivation to do. I like the way that I feel after I have a really good work out, but I just hate doing it. But, I need to get healthier so I am going to do.
3) Make new friends. Not being in Logan and around all the thousands of college kids, it is hard for me to meet new people. And I work at a middle school, so I am not meeting anyone there. But at home, most of my friends that I know here are married or moved away to school, so there is a major need for me to meet new people to hang out with. I'm tired of being such a home body.
4) Find myself a husband. Or boyfriend. You may think this is a joke, but I am serious. And I have had a lot of people tell me "Stop looking and stop wishing and stop waiting for it to happen, and it will happen." That is a load of crap, if you ask me. I'm hoping that if I do #1 on this list, #s 3 and 4 will happen too.
5) Stop feeling sorry for myself. I get so caught up in the negative in my life, and I wallow. And that seems to make me feel better for a little while. No more wallowing. It is going to be hard, but I am going to do it.
6) Don't get annoyed with my brother as much as I do. My brother, who I love dearly, is one of those people who just knows how to push every single button I have. And he bothers the crap out of me. I'm going to work on not letting his little quirks bug me.
7) Become a True Aggie. I have a huge fear of public embarrassment. I am terrified of standing up on that A and waiting to see if someone I don't know will come up and kiss me. But it is one of the those rites-of-passages that only Utah State Aggies get, and I am going to do it before I graduate.
The list is longer. There are a lot of things that I don't want to do on a daily basis, but that I am going to start doing now.
I think it is going to be hard for me to break out of my shell and actually do those things that I really just don't want to do, and it is going to take a lot of coaxing myself into doing them. But, I think this will really help me out a lot.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Here are a list of shows that are on this season that I love...
-Amazing Race
-Cold Case
-How I Met Your Mother
-Accidentally on Purpose (it's new...and rather hilarious)
-Two and a Half Men (I could take it or leave it...but it is one in between my other shows)
-The Big Bang Theory...LOVE
Oddly, there is nothing on Tuesday that I really care about.
-America's Next Top Model
-So You Think You Can Dance
-Criminal Minds
-Grey's Anatomy...still my favorite show ever
-Private Practice (just not quite as good as Grey's...)
-___________ (This is the spot that is left blank in my heart by the ending of ER...farewell my friend)
Friday and Saturday:
Who really watches TV on the weekends? =)
I think the reason I love TV so much is because my life is SO DANG BORING. It is nice to live in a fantasty world for a while.
Judge me if you will.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Scratch that...
My totally AWESOME (or not) manager said that it wasn't going to work, because when I interviewed, I was able to work any day at any time. And since that has changed and I won't be available at her beckon call, things just aren't going to work. Why would she work around everyone else's schedules but mine? Why is she so opposed to me having a second job when she has one herself? As the STORE MANAGER, she works 20 hours a week max. She lets a 17 year old high school student RUN the store. Awesome.
To be honest, I didn't want to be working there anyway. But, I needed the money. And I was still available the most important times! But the way the whole situation was handled really chaps my hide. She was not very nice about. At least now, I won't have to worry about taking time off during the holidays when I want to go out of town for weddings and such.
Here is what I have to say...TO HELL WITH HELLO KITTY! Good riddance.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Doubel the C, Double the S, and you will always have SUCCESS.
So...I finally got a JOB! Actually, I got 2 jobs! After searching and searching, they just kind of fell into my lap. Which is AWESOME.
My first one...well, I don't really want to talk about. I am working at a store in the mall called Sanrio. Most of you probably know it as the Hello Kitty store. Not my proudest moment. But. They give me good hours...I will basically be working like 1-5 only. Or hours close to that. But I will never be opening or closing, which is fantastic. I do, unfortunately, have to put up with bratty little kids who ruin my cleanly placed displays all day long. Ugh.
My second job is a Mobile Lab Assistant at Elk Ridge Middle School. Thank goodness to my mom who works there and put in a good word for me! Basically, I will be taking around laptops to different classes and helping all of those annoying middle schoolers with Word programs. It should be pretty good, I think.
Finally things are looking up for me! I am glad to have something to fill my time besides rerun marathons of America's Next Top Model and solitaire.
Oh...and thanks to all for the birthday wishes! I had a pretty good day. It was pretty uneventful, but good. I was supposed to go to Disneyland for the day, and it just didn't work out. So that night, my BFF Brittany took me to dinner and a movie. Then on Saturday, my mom took me shopping for clothes. And then last night, we had cake and ice cream and stuff. So, it was good.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Today is the day!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Love...part 2.
*I love swimming.
*I love Imogen Heap...this is a new love.
*I love Dum-Dums...the suckers.
*I love making crafts.
*I love smelly candles.
*I love my UGG wannabe boots.
*I love putting old pictures in picture frames for the whole world to see.
*I love Lady Antebellum's new song "Need You Now".
*I love pens that write in colored ink.
*I love being outside.
*I love doing logic puzzles late at night.
*I love Logan (I have a new found appreciation for it).
*I love cheesy 80's movies.
*I love having my friends home from missions.
*I love the way my heart races at sports games.
*I love to sing.
*I love the 1962 movie "If a Man Answers"...every girl should watch it.
*I love Farmer's Markets...what treasures you can find!
*I love to ugly dance in the car.
*I love to bake treats.
*I love setting a goal and achieving it.
*I love that I sleep with a teddy bear and that I'm not ashamed to admit it.
*I love making lists (if you can't tell).
*I love my car...even though I said I would NEVER drive Ford Focus, Walter has treated me well.
*I love to edit papers.
*I love when Avery falls asleep in my arms.
*I love weddings. And wedding TV shows.
*I love America.
*I love the Holiday Season.
*I love invention ever.
*I love babysitting.
*I love having lazy days.
*I love listening to Christmas music whenever I have the urge...even in September.
*I love getting my hair done.
*I love to organize.
*I love the big red blanket my Grandma made just for me.
*I love chasing Mason around the house.
*I love thinking of all the possibilities for my future.
*I love to clean when I get mad.
*I love wearing comfy shoes.
*I love a good lotion.
*I love having a cleanly washed face.
*I love spending time with my mom and sisters.
*I love rugby.
*I love getting scared out of my wits in movies and haunted houses.
*I love dressing up.
*I love practical jokes.
*I love boys who sing and play the guitar.
*I love hand sanitizer.
*I love stargazing.
*I love to laugh.
*I love being right.
*I love coffee ice's my favorite indulgence.
*I love taking pictures.
*I love to cry.
*I love cheesy little trinkets.
*I love to push people's buttons.
*I love to daydream.
*I love Kilgore, Idaho.
*I love to play the piano.
*I love having shaved legs.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Craft Queen
And now I am in need of some more things to do. So. Any ideas? I know all you crafty/homemakey moms out there have some fun stuff to do. So pass along your infinite wisdom to this little, single, bored girl.
Oh...and try to make them cheap. Or free works too.
Much love.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Good Riddance!
Sunday, July 26, 2009 true calling in life.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Blogging Block.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Brother for Sale...only 50 cents!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
train. freaking. wreck.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009 my EYE? WTF!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
If you ever get the urge to run naked, spray yourself with Windex-it will keep you from streaking.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Random Thought Wednesday-HELP!
Does anyone have know of ANY job? I am not in a position to be picky right now. Please please let me know of anything.
I guess I can put in one random thought...In Sweden, there is a ski-thru McDonalds. Wow...I didn't know people loved Big Macs that much.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Random Thought Wednesday...Useless Trivia
-In Cleveland, Ohio, it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.
-The average bed is home to more than 6 billion dust mites.
-Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
-Your right lung takes in more air than your left one.
-In Iceland, tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult.
-Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
-During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food...the weight of 6 elephants.
-Maine is the toothpick capital of the world.
-Des Moines has the highest per capita Jello consumption in the U.S. (NOT UTAH! Wow!)
-Since 1896, the beginning of the modern Olympics, only Greece and Australia have participated in every games.
I'm full of this useless trivia...or I got it from the internet. Whatev.
Monday, April 6, 2009
2nd place is 1st loser...
I love his CHEESE face!
He is so cute when he is happy!
Sorry that you have to take second place...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Random Thought Wednesday...
The wholphin and the supposedly impossible wholphin baby...
Look forward to more random thoughts from my random brain...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My RANT Post
-Why do people care if I wear sweat pants or basketball shorts to school? Some days I like to be comfortable, so sue me. I am not opposed to getting dressed up, but I don't like to do it every single day. I once had someone tell me that the reason I am not married is because I wear sweats in public. Well, you know what? The person I am supposed to marry will like my sweats, and probably wear sweats a lot too.
-While we are on the subject...I hate when people ask me WHY I am not married. Well, I believe the reason to that is because I wear a man-repelling perfume, an "I hate men" shirt every day, and I never shower. Wow. Why the H do you think I am not married?! Personally, I wish it was the other way around...just so everyone knows.
-I hate that I get sick after every single thing I eat. Seriously...worst thing ever.
-I am tired of being in Logan. I dread coming back on the weekends...and I don't even know why. I want to be graduated NOW. I want to be able to relax with my family on a Sunday night and not have to worry about driving home to Logan too late. I want to take a nap after church without thinking I slept too long to get back.
-Rude teachers. Everyone has had one. I currently have one. She is a BIOTCH. No joke. She yells in class ALL THE TIME for stupid little things. On a paper we had to write, I got knocked off a point for putting an E on the end of "Ginni". We have a 50 minute class, but our tests are all 6-8 essay questions that take at least a page each to answer. On the last test, half the students didn't even finish before the class ended. This is an INTRODUCTORY class...not even one of my upper-division classes. She bugs.
-Public Displays of Affection. I have a roommate who makes out with her boyfriend on the couch in front of the rest of us who live there. I feel like I am interupting a personal moment or something. It makes me uncomfortable. And then I feel like I have to get up and leave or something. In fact, it is currently happening right this very minute. And I don't like it.
This is the end of my ranting for the day. Do I feel better? I don't really know. But, I figure everyone has things that bug them...I just decided to write mine down.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hail to our Riverton Pack!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My first tag...I am so COOL!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I love...
2. I love Colin Firth.
3. I love is an addiction.
4. I love old Disney movies...these new ones just aren't as good. Beauty and the Beast is my fave.
5. I love being my Grandpa's favorite feels great being better than everyone else. =)
6. I love texting.
7. I love reality TV, which brings me to...
8. I love Jason Mesnick, the Bachelor.
9. I love watching Caitlin play sports...any sport and every sport.
10. I love Mason Albert Meldrum.
11. I love Avery Addison Meldrum also.
12. I love the Gospel.
13. I love cookies and ice cream.
14. I love Amanda Bynes...she is freaking hilarious.
15. I love Father's Day weekend and my family reunion.
16. I love that I am graduating in December!
17. I love Sudoku.
18. I love my kick A family.
19. I love water.
20. I love moccasins.
21. I love Fruit-by-the-Foots.
22. I love my friends...even all my married ones.
23. I love summer.
24. I love lip gloss.
25. I love camping.
26. I love hot chocolate.
27. I love my computer.
28. I love Pride and Prejudice...the book and the movie.
29. I love big purses.
30. I love my giant, comfortable, queen sized bed.
31. I love cowboys.
32. I love Secondhand Serenade.
33. I love SuperBowl commercials.
34. I love my roommates...and my roommies from last year too. And of course most of the ones from my freshman year.
35. I love comfy chairs that you can curl up and read book in.
36. I love having my fingernails painted...tho I rarely do.
37. I love having money...which isn't very often.
38. I love hats.
39. I love Utah State Basketball.
40. I love jumping as high as I can on a trampoline.
41. I love creepy old men who hit on me...ok, not really.
42. I love British accents...I wish I had one.
43. I LOVE DisneyLand...greatest place on earth!
44. I love shopping.
45. I love giving relationship advice... =)
46. I love 4-letter words.
47. I love sleeping in.
48. I love Missionaries.
49. I love my Grandma.
50. I love how totally RAD I am.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
*And for the most important of all...I have the CUTEST nephew and niece in the whole world. There is just no competition. Sorry if you thought that you did...but you're wrong.
Aren't they freaking adorable?!
Well...that is all. Unless someone can help me find a job in Logan. Seriously...I am getting desperate. And I don't like it.