Sunday, January 3, 2010

Superiority of Mind

Sometimes, as I lay awake desperately trying to sleep, I reminisce about things that have happened in my life. I have a really great memory...I can recall the exact conversation I had with someone in the 2nd grade and experiences from preschool (It is neat, don't get me wrong, but it can be a curse...I always remember the stupid, mean, petty, or embarrassing things I said or did to people). Tonight as I was trying to drift off into dreamland, I thought a lot about high school and the reasons why I loved and hated it. One topic got stuck in my mind--people who think they are superior to others.

What makes someone think that they are better than someone else? I'm sure it has happened to everyone at some point and on both ends--everyone has felt like they are better than some other person, and everyone has felt inferior to another. I'm guilty of it. I can recall a lot of times where I genuinely thought I was a better person than somebody else. I can also remember so many horrible times when I felt inferior to someone else.

In Pride & Prejudice, my favorite book, there is a line during a conversation between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Darcy says "Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride-where there is real superiority of mind-pride will always be under good regulation." This line always kind of bothered me. What is a "REAL" superiority of mind? Don't most people think they are superior because of pride?

I honestly think it all comes down to intolerance. People in this world are so willing to judge others because they don't look or act the same or because they believe something different. Look at all of the religious intolerance on this Earth. There are still people suffering from religious persecution in countries all over the world. I see so much judgement here in my glorious little state of Utah. I am LDS and proud to be. And I have been blessed with very tolerant and non-judgemental parents. My best friend in elementary school was not a member, and that didn't matter to us. But I had so many friends who couldn't play with others because they weren't members. It goes on the other end many members out there have been judged because they are LDS? There have been times in college where I have felt judged by someone who wasn't of my same faith just because I am LDS.

On a daily basis, I feel like I am looked down upon by people because of my weight. I am not a size 2. I am proud to say that I am a 14. I'm not ashamed of it. And neither should the majority of the women in America because they are the "Average Size". I don't look my nose down on girls who are skinny...why do they think they can look down on me for not being skinny?

I think the majority of the problems in this world are caused by intolerance. Think of how much happier the whole world would be if we all just joined hands, sang Kumbaya, and drank hot chocolate together. Sounds good to me...


Heather said...

Have you taken any Sociology classes? If not, I really think you should. I think would greatly enjoy them and be great at them!

Natalie Marie said...

You are fabulous!! I agree.. Kumbaya.. I love you!

Merinda said...

I am thinking about now I should simply say amen and have it all done because what you said was really great. I have in many times, like yourself, been on both sides of the table. All I can say about that is as far as my religion goes, I don't feel any more or less because of it, just feeling that I am so blessed for being lucky enough to have what I have and know what I have and having my savior be my best friend. Thanks for making me think about things for a minute. Kumbaya Chels.

Kateka said...

Love the post. Love you. You are gorgeous darling.

SydneG said...

Atta girl....atta girl.

Melissa Henriksen said...

Girl, you're my favorite!