After 4 long, horrible, rip-my-hair-out months, I FINALLY FOUND A JOB. And it ROCKKKKKKS. I seriously love it. I am the office manager at an architecture firm in Salt Lake City. I am also doing a lot of the marketing projects...I'm like a marketing assistant to the marketing coordinator. I never ever though I would use my degree, but it looks like my thousands of dollars in student loans aren't going to waste! The people at my job are so fun. My personality fits in great...they give me crap and I give it right back. I don't think I would like my job nearly as much if the employees weren't so stellar.
Along with my job comes BENEFITS!!! If you read the last post, right down there, you would know that I have been uninsured since SEPTEMBER. But starting June 1st, I am free to break my leg and not worry about it! Such a relief. Seriously.
I'm still living at home, but planning on moving out after the summer is over. I thought about finding an apartment sooner, but MY SISSY IS HOME FROM ALASKA FOR THE SUMMER!!! And I want to be home so I can be included in all the fun! We're planning a little road trip to Canada, and I can't even wait. Driving all night and jamming out to music with my momma and sister is the best fun a girl can have.
I have also been working on getting healthier. I have been trying to eat better and reduce my calorie intake. Anyone who really knows me knows how much I LOOOOOVE the sweets. But, I'm doing really well and don't just sit and snack. I bought chocolate that I keep at my desk for the guys in the office, and I am doing really well at not eating it. SNAPS TO ME! I am also making sure I eat at least one fruit and vegetable serving a day. Go me.
Utah State's graduation ceremony is on Saturday. I was originally not going to walk, but now I'm kind of excited for it. I even bought a new outfit. It's smoking hot. I can't wait to wear it.
My next mission: make a killer playlist to listen to at work. Anyone know of some killer, super chill music that I should add to it? I am currently in love with Adele, A Fine Frenzy, Florence + the Machine, Imogen Heap, and such. So something along those lines. :)
Annnnnnnd. I can't think of a funny joke. But you made it all the way to the bottom without one. GOOD JOB!!!
Also...just wanted to add this little picture here because it cracks me up.

I am so happy for your Chels! I love to hear that you like your new job too. That is awesome. Eating healthy is always a struggle but good work for being determined. Have so much fun hanging with your sista! Girls lunch soon!?!?
Try Lenka for your playlist, she's great.
Oh that's great! Congratulations. Iam so happy for you. I am recently in love with the song A LITTLE TOO MUCH by Natasha Bedingfield.
yay for awesome jobs! and for road trips! and for fun with little sisters! so happy for you! :)
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