Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bird Murderer

Today was quite the traumatizing day for me...
We have a some big trees in my front yard. Today the wind was blowing really hard, and blew a bird's nest onto my driveway. I went out to my car (I was going to get some Cafe Rio...YUM), and saw the nest. I looked for any eggs but couldn't see any. After I pull back into my driveway and get out of my car, I see it. BLOOD. I get this sick feeling in my stomach. I ran over a baby bird. Barely hatched out of the egg, hardly any feathers, can't fly yet, baby bird. And there are three others lying next to it (not ran over).
So. I am a baby bird murderer. Freak. I would post a picture, but I would rather not relive this horrid moment in my life.


Merinda said...

I will give you another way to think about it. You infact helped this baby bird out of it's own misery of starving to death because it will not get any food or shelter without the warmth of it's parents. Your death was quick and probably painless. So just keep telling yourself that ok. Loves. And your not a bird murderer.

Sarah said...

I'm sorry I probably would have freaked out too, but I could only laugh at your story. Happy summer to you!!