Wednesday, February 8, 2012

As of late...

I really like my job.  It kinda rocks.  I got a raise the other day.  It was the fastest any person in the company has been given a raise.  I like feeling needed.  I like feeling useful.  I like getting up and getting ready every day.  I like the people I work with.  They are all pretty great.  I like the company.  It is honest and legitimate.  They treat people well.

I like my friends.  I have been bowling a lot.  I still kinda suck at it.  But I'm getting better.  I like having people to do things with on the weekends.  I like staying out way later than I should.  I like my ward.  I like my new bishopric a lot.  I like the people I know in the ward.  I like my calling of sports co-chair.  I like playing volleyball with my ward every Tuesday and playing basketball on Saturdays.  

I hate running.  I don't know why I decided to run in this dang relay race.  But I am trying.  I guess that is all that matters.  I am excited to run with Brit, Nat, and Rosey.  I do miss them.  That is the whole reason why I am running.  Freaking race.


I am going to just let off some steam about Josh Powell.  I know everyone has an opinion on the subject, and since this is my blog, I am going to voice my opinion here.  My apologies if I swear and it offends.  Although he deserves worse than any word I could say.  For my very few readers outside of Utah, if you don't know why Josh Powell is, here is a link with some information that will lead to all the gory details.

When I first heard that Josh Powell blew up his house with his boys inside on Sunday, I almost threw up.  I was so angry.  I didn't know I could be so angry at a person I had never met.  But all I felt was rage.  And then on Monday when I found out that he used a hatchet to chop up the little boys before he set the house on fire, no lie, I felt like murdering someone.  I am so 100% disgusted, as I am sure that most everyone is.

Now here is where my opinion comes in.  I fully believe that the State of Washington is partly responsible for this.  I know that it was that sick bastard's actions that caused it, but I don't think that he should have even been able to see his kids at all.  West Valley Police Chief said "As the only person of interest in the Susan Cox Powell case, I don't think he should have been able to see his kids at all."  And I completely agree with this statement.  When Washington State found evidence of child pornography, I think that right there should have suspended all rights to his children.  Why is that safe for the boys?  
I think that Josh Powell did this selfish, evil act thinking he would go down in infamy, that his name would be remembered.  All people will remember him as now is a sick, murdering son of a bitch that is going to rot in hell.

I am a little bit disgusted, can you tell?  :)  But that's enough of my rant.  I am going to go back to work now.  


Amy said...

Speaking of the state of Washington, you should listen to the first 911 call the case worker made, the dispatcher she was talking to was a complete idiot and said the police had to get to real emergency's first and then they would come out to the house. After the house blew up it took 3 minutes for police and fire people to get there, that's what pissses me off. Those boys could have been saved if the dispatcher wasn't so stupid. She repeated Josh Powell's name like a billion times, the dispatcher acted like he had never heard of the guy before. People can be so stupid!

Kateka said...

It's such a sad story. So, so sad.

In good news though, I am glad things in your personal life are doing great! You deserve it!