Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random Thought Wednesday-HELP!

Today's Random Thought isn't really a random thought at all...more of a cry for help. I move back to Riverton for the summer in exactly 14 days. And I can't find a job to save my is bad news.
Does anyone have know of ANY job? I am not in a position to be picky right now. Please please let me know of anything.
I guess I can put in one random thought...In Sweden, there is a ski-thru McDonalds. Wow...I didn't know people loved Big Macs that much.


Merinda said...

two things that I know off the top of my head are that you could check with Lane and Elane Christensen because they are the employment specialists in our ward, and you could always registser with SOS temporary services, they may have something for you.

Katie said...

I knew about that McDonalds. I'm quitting my job if you want it, but it's in Salem. HAHA