Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best news of my LIFE!

Yesterday was SUCH a great day! Not only did I get my hair done (I haven't had it done since hair was hating me), but I found out that I will be going back to school in January!
These last couple of months have been so so so hard on me. I couldn't understand why no one could help me...not the government, the school, or any loan place. Finally, on Thursday, I talked to someone in the Financial Aid office who actually knew what they were talking about. I was still a little upset because, had I talked to her one of the other thousand times I had called, I could have been in school this past semester. But it is over and done with, and this lady is a miracle worker! I didn't get financial aid, but I did get a loan. And as much as I hate to go into more debt to go to school, I will do whatever I need to do to get back.
I really am so grateful that things have worked out the way that I wanted them to. After so many prayers, and begging and pleading, I finally feel HAPPY. I am so excited to be back in Logan.
Look out USU...Chelsee is BACK!


Shanna said...

That is wonderful Chelsee, I love to hear that you are happy! Good luck and have fun at school next semester!!! Oh and Merry Christmas friend!

Heather said...

I'm so happy for you Chels! I know that feeling about whole debt thing. I had to do the same thing for a couple of semesters. Do you know where you are going to live? Let me know when you get up here and we can play some time!

Mae AJ and Conner said...

That is so awesome.. school is so expensive. you would think they would cut you a break for going to school but they nickel and dime you for everything.. I am so happy for you. :)

Kylee & Russell Ahlberg said...

I am so happy for you Chelsee!

Carly said...

so glad to see you happy :))))

Sarah said...

Good news. I've been having a difficult time keeping Logan cool all by myself.

Kateka said...

Congratulations! How exciting. I swear most of the people they employ at universities and guidance counselors or what have you are pulled straight off the streets. Its so nice when you can find one with a brain and experience.

Hey thanks for your sweet words on my blog. You are so sweet. I am sorry you've lost some grandparents too! It sucks!