Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let me tell you a funny story...

So this past Sunday, there was a fireside for my stake. (Sidenote: the guy who was speaking rocked. Back to the story.) Caitlin and I were running just a teeny tiny bit late, and had to walk in after it had already started. My brother was saving us seats, which was very nice of him. But they were on the other side of the chapel, in the front, with 2 guys sitting on the end so we had to climb over them. Everyone was watching us walk in...I'm just glad I didn't trip off of my heels and embarrass myself. So we get all seated, and I see this guy staring at me. I was a little bit confused about why he was looking at me so much since I did not know this person. I could tell right away that he was handicapped, so I kinda just smiled and turned my head. Next thing I know, he gets up from where he is sitting on the front row, walks back to my bench, climbs over the 2 other fellas, and sits right next to me. He shakes my hand, gives me a hug and says "Best friends? Best friends forever?" I was a little confused, so I just kinda nodded my head. Then he grabs my hand, holds on for dear life, and lays his head on my shoulder. After like 7 minutes, he switches hands, and interlaces our fingers, slides a little closer, and tries to pull me as close as possible.

Now, I had no idea what to do. And I could not stop laughing. And every time I looked at my sister, she busted up laughing. It was a little comical. After about 15 minutes of hand-holding, my new BFF let go of my hand, jumped up, climbed back over the top of the 2 gentlemen, and went to find a new girl to sit by. He proceeded to do this throughout the fireside. I think I counted about 9 other girls he went over to. And here I thought I was special.

After President Samuelson was done speaking, the stake graciously provided us with brownies and ice cream. Cait and I were standing around talking to some friends, when my new found friend sneak attacked me from behind again and grabbed my hand. The others looked on in confusion as he layed his head on my shoulder (which was no easy task since I am so tall and he wasn't really). He apparently got bored with me again, and moved on to his next sighting, leaving me wondering what the H just happened at this CES fireside. And I still don't know his name.

*Disclaimer: I have absolutely no issue with handicapped people. In fact, I think they are great. I have no intention of offending anyone with handicapped family members. I just thought this was a funny story, and one that has gotten a lot of laughs out of me and the people witnessing this humorous experience. :)


Amy said...

hahaha see you don't have to be married to have an entertaining blog:) that was pretty funny!

Kateka said...

Oh my word. I was expecting a JUST KIDDING! THIS NEVER HAPPENED! in there because it is so crazy (and hilarious)! I guess you can't make these things up. Best friends? Best friends forever?